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Welcome to the Formal ORM

This ORM focuses on simplifying data manipulation.

This is achieved by:

  • using immutable objects
  • each aggregate owning the objects it references
  • using monads to fetch aggregates (from the Innmind ecosystem)
  • using the specification pattern to match aggregates

This allows:

  • simpler app design (as it can be pure)
  • memory efficiency (the ORM doesn't keep objects in memory)
  • long living processes (since there is no memory leaks)
  • to work asynchronously
Sneak peak
use Formal\ORM\{
use Formal\AccessLayer\Connection\PDO;
use Innmind\Url\Url;

$manager = Manager::sql(
$_ = $manager
    ->sort('someProperty', Sort::asc)
    ->foreach(static fn($aggregate) => doStuff($aggregate));

If you've worked with C# Entity Framework you should find a few similarities.