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Known issues


Aggregate name collision

By default the ORM translate an Aggregate class to a simple name in the adapter. For example the class App\Domain\User is translated to user. This allows to simplify reading the storage folders/tables/indexes.

For small projects this is fine. But for larger projects names collision may arise.

For example you may have the aggregates App\Domain\Shipping\Product and App\Domain\Billing\Product that would result in the same product name in the storage.

You can fix it like this:

use Formal\ORM\{

$orm = Manager::of(
    /* your storage adapter (1) */,
    )->mapName(static fn(string $class) {
        \App\Domain\Shipping\Product::class => 'shippingProduct',
        \App\Domain\Billing\Product::class => 'billingProduct',
  1. see Adapters

This also allows to fix the default casing of names. For example the class App\Domain\DocumentTemplate result in the name documenttemplate. Which is not very readable.

This behaviour won't be change for the time being to not break existing projects. But you can gradually fix this via the mapName method.


Searching with endsWith

When searching aggregates via a specification with Sign::endsWith you may not always see all the results.

Internally this search uses the wildcard query with the value starting with *. As described in the documentation this SHOULD NOT be used as it's an expensive query.

If you really need to do this kind of search you could add an extra property on your aggregate with the string being in reversed order from the original one. You can then do a search on this property with Sign::startsWith and reversing the string used as argument.

Bear in mind that startsWith also uses the wildcard query and may be slower that you'd want or even not return the results you'd expect.