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Formal is optimized to be memory efficient so you can do this without running out of memory:

    ->foreach(static fn(User $user) => businessLogic($user));

But if you're building a HTTP API you don't want to return all the aggregates from your storage in the response. The go-to approach is to use pagination and return a fixed amount of aggregates.

This is very simple with Formal:

use Formal\ORM\Sort;

$usersArray = $orm
    ->sort('name', Sort::asc)
use Formal\ORM\Sort;

$usersArray = $orm
    ->sort('name', Sort::asc)
use Formal\ORM\Sort;

$usersArray = $orm
    ->sort('name', Sort::asc)
use Formal\ORM\Sort;

$usersArray = $orm
    ->sort('name', Sort::asc)
use Formal\ORM\Sort;

$page = 4;
$pageSize = 100;
$usersArray = $orm
    ->sort('name', Sort::asc)
    ->drop($page * $pageSize)

This also works with ->repository()->matching().

The sort allows the pagination to be stable (the same query will return the same results).


The order of drop and take is important.

The repository is treated as a virtual Sequence for design consistency. If you take 100 aggregates and then drop 1_000 then the result is necessarily empty.

This allows these 2 examples to be equivalent:

use Formal\ORM\Sort;

$page = 1;
$pageSize = 100;
$usersArray = $orm
    ->sort('name', Sort::asc)
    ->drop($page * $pageSize)
use Formal\ORM\Sort;

$page = 1;
$pageSize = 100;
$usersArray = $orm
    ->sort('name', Sort::asc)
    ->drop($page * $pageSize)