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Search an aggregate via Elasticsearch

If you have multiple aggregates (let's say Product and Vendor) that you want to query in a single specification, you'll need to create a third aggregate (ie Search\Product) that will denormalize the data of both aggregates.

These aggregates may look like this:

use Formal\ORM\Id;

final readonly class Product
    /** @var Id<self> */
    private Id $id;
    private string $name;
    /** @var Id<Vendor> */
    private Id $vendor;

     * @param Id<Vendor> $vendor
    public function __construct(string $name, Id $vendor)
        $this->id = Id::new(self::class);
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->vendor = $vendor;

    // Getters not displayed for conciseness
use Formal\ORM\Id;

final readonly class Vendor
    /** @var Id<self> */
    private Id $id;
    private string $name;

    public function __construct(string $name)
        $this->id = Id::new(self::class);
        $this->name = $name;

    // Getters not displayed for conciseness
namespace Search;

use Formal\ORM\Id;

final readonly class Product
    /** @var Id<self> */
    private Id $id;
    /** @var Id<\Product> */
    private Id $productId;
    private string $productName;
    /** @var Id<\Vendor> */
    private Id $vendorId;
    private string $vendorName;

    public function __construct(\Product $product, \Vendor $vendor)
        $this->id = Id::new(self::class);
        $this->productId = $product->id();
        $this->productName = $product->name();
        $this->vendorId = $vendor->id();
        $this->vendorName = $vendor->name();

And to persist this new aggregate you would use 2 instances of the ORM like this:

use Formal\ORM\{
use Innmind\OperatingSystem\Factory;
use Innmind\Url\Url;
use Innmind\Immutable\Either;

$os = Factory::build();
$sql = Manager::sql(
$elasticsearch = Manager::of(

$vendors = $sql->repository(Vendor::class);
$searchableProducts = $sql
        static fn($product) => $vendors
            ->map(static fn($vendor) => new Search\Product(
            ->toSequence(), //(1)

$repository = $elasticsearch->repository(Search\Product::class);
    static function() use ($repository, $searchableProducts) {
        $_ = $searchableProducts->foreach($repository->put(...));

        return Either::right(null);
  1. If the vendor doesn't exist the product is discarded.

Then you can search these new aggregates as any other.